This is awesome. Sucks that wind energy expansion is significantly down this year though

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Definitely. Wrote a long story about that last week for my other newsletter: https://www.distilled.earth/p/why-wind-energy-is-in-a-state-of

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Just curious: why the two newsletters and not just one?

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Cleanview is going to focus just on clean energy, whereas Distilled will tackle all kinds of topics related to climate change (as it has).

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While it’s not a great indicator, in my residential clean energy world of tiny NH I’m seeing a big increase in home battery storage with very strong interest. It’s encouraging to see people who aren’t early adopters or “greenies” who recognize the value and are choosing this over, or in conjunction with, fossil fuel generators. The recognition that that can extend savings into the evening from their solar is a big win, even while knowing that the batteries likely can’t be filled from solar during our frequent winter outages.

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That’s great to hear! Thanks for sharing.

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I like the chart showing the pronounced increases in solar installations near December. Is that more to do with improved accounting near year’s end, or lower demand for solar combined with lower operating temperatures to mitigate teething troubles?

Also, it’d be nice to read some more on enhanced geothermal coming online, as well as Texas’ ‘plug-and-play’ method of approving interconnections.

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I don't understand why analysts would decide the growth of solar would slow down at this point. It's barely a dent in energy infrastructure yet.

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Wind energy much more efficient and off the east coast there's a constant blow. One large wind turbine blade rotation can supply a home with energy for 2 days. It would take 60 panels (about) to do the same. Earth is precious we need it for more important functions than solar panels j dispursed every where. That said there's plenty of places to put solar: on roofs, over parking areas,

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